AUTM Asia 2019
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It is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2019 AUTM Asia Conference to be held in Israel, November 4-7, 2019.
AUTM Asia offers a unique opportunity for academic and industry professionals from across the world to gather together and share best practices regarding the translation of academic innovation into broad social and economic benefits. It is an opportunity to learn the essentials of tech transfer and get caught up on industry trends, as well as an occasion for networking and deal making with the most experienced technology transfer professionals in the world.
In particular, this year’s location in Israel offers rare and extensive access to one of the most sought after tech transfer hubs in the world. Israel is a global leader in Academia-Industry collaboration, and as champions of academic innovation, we have a long tradition of excellence in developing ground breaking new technologies that improve efficiency in execution and that promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
Yissum, the ITTN, the Council of Higher Education and the Israel Innovation Authority are honored and excited to be your host in an educational and exciting journey through stories of preeminent tech transfer success, cutting-edge models of innovation, fine-tuned and progressive business practices as well as tours of some of the most sought after hi-tech sites in Israel.