30 Results were found on Technologies
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Scalable Bio-Hydrogen Production; a Novel Green Energy Technology
Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a promising clean energy carrier and a valuable commodity with over 60 million tons produced globally and used in many industrial technologies. The current industrial method of hydrogen production is consuming methane (a high-value fuel) and polluting the environment. Bio-hydrogen production by photosynthetic microbes represents an alternate green energy strategy that […] Read More >
Plants Having Increase Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stress
Loss of function mutant of a specific gene in tomato, using CRISR/Cas9 genome editing, that results in plants with increase water use efficiency (WUE), drought and salt tolerance. Combined results from five different analyses demonstrate that the mutant tomatoes display increased WUE due to lower stomata conductance and transpiration while photosynthesis rates and yield are […] Read More >
Gene Expression for Improved Crop Pproductivity
Enhancing crop productivity by optimizing gene expression in plants, using proprietary and proven computational tools, together with genome base editing capabilities. Tapping into gene expression for improved crop UNMET NEED Crop productivity needs to substantially increase to meet global food and feed demand for a rapidly growing world population. Agricultural technology developers are pursuing a […] Read More >
A Novel Antibacterial Bio-Treatment for USE In Aquaculture
Aquaculture is the globe’s fastest growing food production sector. Diseases are a primary constraint to the culture of many aquatic species and as a result, there is widespread use of anti-microbial veterinary medicines across the globe. The medicines pose a threat to human health because of the possible emergence of resistant strains and the transfer […] Read More >
An agricultural mobile robot guided by sonar and vision for crops and yield estimation
Using bio-inspired sensing methods (from bats) for crop estimation, plant examination and plant classification. The system is based on a mobile robotic platform with vision and sonar sensing that is doing the agricultural tests.The NeedAn agricultural manager‘s success depends on his ability to estimate accurately the status of the crops. Although it is assumed that […] Read More >
Biodegradable, Multifunctional, Jellyfish Based Bioplastics
Plastic pollution has become the most pressing environmental issue, and biodegradable solutions are a promising alternative. Unfortunately, most plastic alternatives are difficult to upscale and require the cultivation of the process substrate. Due to climate change, overfishing, and habitat modifications Jellyfish (JF) blooms are prevalent, resulting in the harm of electrical powerhouse, industrial cooling systems, […] Read More >
Tomato Plants with Broad-Spectrum Pathogen Resistance
Plants rely on innate immunity to perceive and ward off microbes and pests, and are able to overcome many invading microorganisms. Even so, pathogens overcome plant defenses, posing a persistent threat to crop and food security worldwide, raising the need for agricultural products with broad, efficient resistance. The combined goal of several projects in our […] Read More >
Models for Protein Levels Optimization in Chloroplasts Based on mRNA-rRNA Folding and Interactions
Chloroplasts which have evolved from an ancestral bacterium can be the target very efficient expression of heterologous protein with huge economical potential. However, translation in chloroplasts, which have evolved from an ancestral bacterium is not well understood and currently there is no generic quantitative model related to these aspects in the chloroplast. The patent includes […] Read More >
Explainable AI (XAI)
One important challenge in machine learning is the “black box” problem, in which an artificial intelligence reaches a result without any humans being able to explain why. This problem is typically present in deep artificial neural networks, in which the hidden layers are impenetrable. To tackle this problem, our researchers have introduced the notion of explainable […] Read More >
Stable enzyme-responsive nanocarriers with a-two step activation mechanism
The Challenge: Polymeric nanocarriers that can release their covalently attached or encapsulated cargo in response to specific stimuli can offer many advantages such as greater selectivity and consequently reduced side-effects. Among the different types of stimuli-responsive nanocarriers, enzyme-responsive delivery systems can act as a Trojan horse and release their active payload in response to specific […] Read More >