19 Results were found on Technologies
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”Smart” Textiles integrating Peptide Nanostructures
The TechnologyTextiles that have been modified by integrating peptide nanostructures show remarkable properties. These include the physical and chemical properties of the fabric, such as strength and fire-resistance, as well as much more advanced properties including enzymatic activities such as self-cleaning and hazardous materials-decontamination. Potential applicationsSmart textiles have many applications. Among them are self-cleaning […] Read More >
Product Authentication using Nanoimprinting Lithography (NIL)
A unique Nano Imprinting Lithography (NIL) technology, based on a polymeric replication method, to battle counterfeiting• Extremely difficult to copy or forge• Inexpensive implementation (tag printing)Tag printing: Imprint on the brand product a set of nanometer scale patterns that are invisible to the naked eye (and most microscopes)Authentication: “Read” and analyze the tag using an appropriate device. […] Read More >
Harnessing Inhibitory RNA Based- Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Intervention in Blood Cancers
The current treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) included standard chemotherapy and small molecules such as the proteasome inhibitor and the immunomodulatory drugs. Although these drugs have improved the response and survival of MM patients, MM is still an incurable disease. Drug resistance and disease refractoriness are the common terminal pathways leading to patients’ mortality. Therefore, […] Read More >
Highly Active and Stable Multifunctional Low-Pressure Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst
The Haber process for synthesis of ammonia is one of the most studied and important reaction of the last century. Ammonia is used mostly as a feedstock for fertilizer, but has gained considerable interest as a hydrogen carrier in a future hydrogen economy owing toits specific energy content and ease of transportation. The Haber process, […] Read More >
Stable enzyme-responsive nanocarriers with a-two step activation mechanism
The Challenge: Polymeric nanocarriers that can release their covalently attached or encapsulated cargo in response to specific stimuli can offer many advantages such as greater selectivity and consequently reduced side-effects. Among the different types of stimuli-responsive nanocarriers, enzyme-responsive delivery systems can act as a Trojan horse and release their active payload in response to specific […] Read More >
Nanofabrication represents one of the most important features of modern electronics, optoelectronics, photonics and information technologies. However, the ability to fabricate nanoscale (sub-20 nm) devices, requires the introduction of unconventional techniques for material patterning, which is cumbersome, expensive, time consuming, typically available mainly to big industrial companies or to specific research centers, hence, not reachable […] Read More >
Bio-inspired flexible piezoelectric layer showing powerful performance
The piezoelectric effect, the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy can serve as the basictechnology for many applications such as energy harvesting sensing and actuating. Currently, the fieldof piezoelectric materials is dominate by lead-based ceramic materials such as lead zirconate titanate(PZT). However, lead is toxic and brittle, emerging the need for alternative lead free, […] Read More >
We present a method for the generation of THz pulses with tailored temporal shape from nonlinear metasurfaces. The method is based on single-cycle THz emission by the metasurface inclusions. We show that the spatial amplitude and phase structure of the nonlinear response is mapped to the temporal shape of pulses emitted at certain angles. We […] Read More >
Efficient information coding in living organisms
It is clear that DNA can be used as a storage medium, each nucleotide carrying two information bits, which can store vast amounts of data for very long periods of time and with high reliability; as overtime, humans remain human just as cats remain cats. However, it is also clear that it is a very […] Read More >