Ramot Value Enhancement Program - New call for proposals - Joy Ventures

The Annual Joy grant initiative aims to promote and contribute to the emerging field of neuro- wellness. The grant supports research efforts that potentially impact human performance and well- being, improve regulation of emotions in personal and social context and increase mental and physical resilience under challenge – which are all different aspects of neuro-wellness.
Selected proposals will be funded with amounts of $40,000-$100,000 per annum, for a two-year period, beginning December 15, 2018.
The following is the time table of the call for proposal:
Call Publication Date:
11 January Q&A Meet-Up (attendance recommended): 22 January LOI – extended abstract submission: 15 Feb Answers regarding next phase: by 25 Feb Proposal Submission Dead-Line: 10 April Second Phase Proposals Notification: 15 May Interviews w Leading Proposal Researchers: June Winners Announcement: 15 August
Joy Call For Proposals
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact either your respective business development executive or:
Dr.Hagit Alon (PhD)
VP of Scientific affairs, Joy Ventures
Mobile: +972-54-630-2979
Address: 11 Hamenofim St, Ackerstein B floor 3, Herzelia 4672562 Israel
Website: www.joyventures.com
Email: hagit@joyventures.com