Dr. Ben-Eliezer Noam
Research in the lab resides on the interface between the development of novel methodologies for non-invasive MRI, and their application for studying tissues’ structure and function in biology and medicine. Our main research objective is to characterize the myeloarchitecture of the central nervous system, in order to gain more insight into the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases. To achieve this we develop new MR-based techniques, spanning several aspects of this imaging modality:
Design of new imaging protocols based on manipulation of spin dynamics and interactions
Quantitative encoding of MR parameters
Modeling sub-voxel interactions
Accelerated and multiparametric acquisition schemes
Customized signal processing and image reconstruction algorithms.
Email: noambe@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: 03-6409388
Website: https://beneliezer-lab.com/
Office: Multi-disciplinary Center, 406