Department: Physical Electronics
Faculty: Engineering
Tel Aviv University

Dr. Golub Z'L Michael


  1. Laser beam shaping by diffractive and micro-optical elements.
  2. Advanced optical elements based on resonance domain diffraction gratings with high efficiency.
  3. Transverse mode selection for coherent light beams, with application in fiber optical sensors and optical communication systems based on diffractive optics.
  4. Complex eikonal method for derivation of coherent beams in curvilinear coordinates.
  5. Optical design of non-paraxial optical systems for imaging and illumination.
  6. Computer generated holograms for 3D and 2D imaging.


Michael A. Golub received M.Sc. degree from the Samara State Aerospace University in 1978, and Ph.D degree from the Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow in 1982. In 1986 and 1992 he was appointed Associate professor and Professor positions at the Technical Cybernetics department in the Samara State Aerospace University.

He has been visiting professor in National High School of Physics at the Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, in University of Jena, Germany and Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. From 1995 he held chief scientist positions in Israeli industry. In 2007 he joined the senior academic staff of the Tel Aviv University.

Main area of academic and industrial expertise is in diffractive optics and micro-optics.
He conducted theoretical investigations and development in diffractive optical elements for UV, visible and IR light, including beam shapers, diffractive lenses, beam splitters, complicated focusers of laser beam, spot array generators, lenslet arrays, dual wavelength lenses, beam steering diffractive optics, holographic diffusers, diffractive micro-lenses with extended depth of focus, phase correctors for non-symmetrical wavefront formation, diffractive aberration correctors, mode selective optical elements, fiber optical sensors, porous silicon diffractive elements, resonance domain diffraction gratings with high diffraction efficiency. He has authored and coauthored more than 50 papers in refereed journals and a book “Laser beam mode selection by computer generated holograms,” CRC Press, USA.

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