Interactive Communication in Noisy Channels; Distributed Data Compression and Computation, Information Theory to problems in Prediction and Machine Learning , Storage, Communications and Statistical Signal Processing.
Dr. Shayevitz Ofer
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in information theoretic aspects of communication, storage and computation. Some of my specific interests include:
- Interactive Communication in Noisy Channels
- Distributed Data Compression and Computation
- Relations between Information Theory and Dynamical Systems, Graph Theory, and Stochastic Control
- Applications of Information Theory to problems in prediction and inference
- Statistical Signal Processing
The following support is gratefully acknowledged:
“An Information Theory of Simple Interaction”, ERC Starting Grant, 2015 – 2019 (~1,300,000 euros)
“Interactive Communications in Noisy Channels: Protocols and Performance Bounds”, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Grant 1367/14, 2014 – 2018 (~240,000$)
“Interactive Communications in Noisy Channels”, Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG), 2014 – 2018 (100,000 euros)
“Controlling uncertainty: On the sequential refinement of belief”, NSF CSIE Award 2010 – 2013 (PI: T. Javidi, UCSD).