Prof. Mudrik Liad

Prof. Mudrik is an alumnus of the interdisciplinary program for outstanding students. She received two PhD degrees, in cognitive neuroscience (TAU & HUJI) and in philosophy (TAU). The latter was awarded with the Robert J. Glushko prize for outstanding dissertations in cognitive science. She then continued to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the division of biology at the California Institute of Technology, and joined the school of psychological sciences as a faculty member in 2015. She is a member of the Israel Young Academy of Sciences.

Research Topics
Prof. Mudrik studies high-level cognition and its neural substrates, focusing on conscious experience, mostly using electrophysiological and behavioral methods. The main research questions are: (a) what are the neural substrates of consciousness, and how can we arbitrate between theories of consciousness; (b) what are the functions of consciousness, trying to identify processes that could be performed in the absence of awareness, vs. those that require conscious processing; (c) what is the role of conscious experience in volitional action, a question which taps into the long-lasting ‘Free will’ debate; and (d) how is the content of our conscious experiences affected by our knowledge, expectations and cognitive state.

For publications, see lab website :…

Phone: 03-6409143
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Office: Sharett – Educational Sciences, 221


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