Prof. Mansour Yishay
Prof. Yishay Mansour got his PhD from MIT in 1990, following it he was a postdoctoral fellow in Harvard and a Research Staff Member in IBM T.
J. Watson Research Center. Since 1992 he is at Tel-Aviv University,
where he is currently a Professor of Computer Science and has serves
as the first head of the Blavatnik School of Computer Science during
He was the founder and first director of the Israeli Center of Research
Excellence in Algorithms.
Prof. Mansour held positions with IBM Research, Bell Labs, AT&T
research Labs, Google Research and MicroSoft Reaserch. He has
mentored start-ups as Riverhead, which was acquired by Cisco, Ghoonet
and Verix.
Prof. Mansour has published over 100 journal papers and over 200
proceeding papers in various areas of computer science with special
emphasis on machine learning, algorithmic game theory, communication
networks, and theoretical computer science and has supervised over a
dozen graduate students in those areas.
Prof. Mansour was named as an ACM fellow 2014, and he is currently an
associate editor in a number of distinguished journals and has been on
numerous conference program committees. He was both the program chair
of COLT (1998) and the STOC (2016) and served twice on the COLT
steering committee.