Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Faculty: Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University

Prof. Sochen Nir Asher

Research interests:

I’m interested in the applications of Differential Geometry ideas and techniques in Image Processing and Analysis and in Computational Vision.
My former research studies were devoted to Conformal Field Theories and Integrable Models in relation to String Theory and to Statistical Mechanics.


Nir Sochen, finished his B.Sc studies in Physics 1986 and his M.Sc. studies in theoretical physics 1988 both in the University of Tel-Aviv. Received his PhD in Theoretical physics 1992 from the Universit\’e de Paris-Sud while conducting his research in the Service de Physique Th\’eorique at the Centre d’Etude Nucleaire at Saclay, France. He continued with a one year research in the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris on the Haute Etude Scientifique fellowship, and a three years NSF fellowship in the physics department of the University of California at Berkeley. It is in Berkeley that his interests shifted from quantum field theories and integrable models, related to high-energy physics and string theory, to computer vision and image processing.

He spent one year in the physics department at the University of Tel-Aviv and two years in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Currently he is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Tel-Aviv. He is also a member of the Ollendorf center in the Technion.
His main research interests are the applications of differential geometry and statistical physics in image processing and computational vision.

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