Parameters estimation, independent component analysis, latent variable analysis, blind source separation and blind equalization, source localization methods, generic tools for statistical signal processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Prof. Yeredor Arie
My areas of Interest:
Statistical Signal Processing and Estimation Theory:
- Blind Source Separation (BSS) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
- Hessians of the log characteristic function (“Charrelation Matrices”) as an alternative to classical High-Order Statistics
- Passive time-delay estimation for multiple signals with multiple sensors
- Passive time-delay estimation in the presence of multipath
- Spectral estimation from partial data
- Sparsity-based signal processing and system identification
- Estimation in impulsive noise
- Extended Least Squares (XLS) estimation
- Non-asymptotic performance analysis
Linear-Algebraic Tools in Signal Processing:
- Total Least Squares (TLS) and Errors-In-Variables (EIV) modeling
- Structured Total Least Squares (STLS) and related algorithms
- Algorithms for approximate joint diagonalization
- Optimal weighting in approximate joint diagonalization