The School oh Psychological Sciences
Social Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Prof. Yovel Galit
Research topic: Cognitive and Neural basis of Face and Object recognition.
Research methods: Psychophysics, functional MRI, EEG/Event related potentials (ERPs), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Eye tracking. Simultaneous recording of EEG-fMRI and EEG-TMS
Main projects in the lab include:
- How do face and body processing mechanisms interact to generate an image of a person?
- What is the role of perceptual vs. conceptual/semantic information in face/person recognition?
- What is the role of bodies and motion in person recognition?
- What is the role of dynamic information on different aspects (e.g., identity, expression) of person recognition?
- What is the effect of experience on the representation of faces and their neural correlates?
- What are the critical features used for face identification?
- What are the mechanisms used to recognize familiar faces and how do they differ from those used to recognized unfamiliar faces?