Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis Lab

Based on high-resolution GIS and big data on human and institutions’ spatial behavior, we model the complex geographic system as collectives of decision-makers who define system’s spatio-temporal dynamics and evolve themselves.
Smartcard and Cellular data analysis
Based on the Smartcards and Cellular data we estimate the demand for public transport and compare it to the actual use.
Synthetic cities
We propose a novel view for establishing a broad spectrum of scalable and controllable urban patterns that repeat characteristics of the real cities.
Modeling urban sprawl
We consider urban dynamics as a self-organizing outcome of the interaction between developers and regulators, represented by planner and municipality.
Modeling urban traffic
We apply MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation) framework for simulation traffic and transportation in the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Area.
Modeling urban parking
We develop models of urban parking for establishing adequate urban parking regulations and prices.
Modeling Traffic Accidents
We develop model of cars-pedestrians interactions in order to disclose the reasons of high accidents rate at the road black spots.
Phone: 03-6409178
Office: Yad Avner – Geography, 222