High-Level Cognition Lab

The lab investigates high-level cognition, both at the behavioral and neural level. More specifically, we are interested in the following questions:
1. What is consciousness, how does it come about, and what are its functions? The latter entails two additional questions; first, how deep does unconscious processing run and how it differs from conscious processing. Second, how is consciousness involved not only in information processing, but also in voluntary action.
2. How does cognition affect perception? We are interested in the way our expectations and semantic knowledge affect perceptual processing and our interpretation of the world.
Specific Research interests/topics:
• Comparing theories of consciousness
• High-level processing in the absence of awareness
• Finding new and more ecological ways to study the functions of consciousness
• Consciousness role in voluntary action (and free will debate): What is the role of consciousness in voluntary actions? Is this role different for deliberate and arbitrary decisions?
• The effects of cognition on perception: What are the relations between perception and cognition?
Research methods:
The experimental work in the lab relies on different techniques: behavioral experiments, VR & AR (augmented reality) designs, motion-tracking, eye-tracking, EEG, fMRI and intracranial recordings.
Main projects in the lab include:
1. ERC funded study – Personalizing the Unconscious: a Cognitive, Neural and Developmental Investigation
2. Comparing theories of consciousness – both by tools of meta-analysis research as well as direct empirical comparison
3. Consciousness role in voluntary action – what is the role of consciousness in voluntary actions? Is this role different for deliberate and arbitrary decisions?
Lab Facilities and capabilities:
The laboratory of High-Cognition at TAU has capabilities for investigating different cognitive skills, both on the behavioral level as well as the neural level.
• Extensive experience with different neuroimaging techniques, including fMRI and EEG.
• Crafting experimental designs using a large variety of tools – eye-tracking, virtual & augmented reality, motion tracking and other physiological measurements.
• Various experience in meta-analysis research.
• Experienced in collaborating in large-scale studies with labs around the world.
Potential industries:
1. Neuroscience Research and Academia
2. Education and Training
3. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
4. Technology and Software Development
Sharet Building, Room 221, School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel: +972-3-6409143
Email: mudrikli@tauex.tau.ac.il
Website: https://people.socsci.tau.ac.i…