The Physical Optics Research Lab
We research diverse topics in optics, bordering with other fields: Atomic Moelcular and Optical (AMO) physics, Engineering and Biology . Our research span from basic science to applied and our interests are changing over the years, Below you can find some current research efforts taking place in our lab.
- Computational Optics
We develop optical platforms to realize computational tasks usually associated with machine learning. The optical platforms employs at times nonlinear optics, hologrpahy and fiber optics.
- Beam Optics
We develop theoretical and experimental methods to construct exotic optical beams with tailored parameters. Such beams are then used in our lab for optical tweezing and for microscopy.
- Multi-Mode Fiber Optics
We develop systems based on the manipulation of light coupled into multimode optical fibers and the fibers shape to realize various sensors and imaging devices.
For more information:
Phone: 03-6409423
Office: Electrical Engineering, 227