A-Traumatic Teeth Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement
The global dental services market is expected to reach 554.5 billion USD by 2028, with dental implants dominating the market as R&D in this field continues to excel with better biomaterials, improved designs, and surface modifications. Tooth extraction is a crucial step in dental implants procedure. The standard extraction method is based on mechanical rocking of the tooth with surgical forceps, an approach that often results in pain, poor healing, damage to adjacent teeth, bone, and ultimately delayed teeth restoration.
• A patentable biological enzyme (ColG variant) directed towards collagen degradation
• Use of ColG results in enzymatic disruption of the periodontal ligament fibers holding the tooth in place, reducing the force required for tooth extraction and thus impart reduced damage to surrounding tissues.

• The patented enzyme may be used for additional applications:
> Teeth Extraction/Implants
> Orthodontics
> Burns and wound management
> Dupuytren’s disease
> Gelatin hydrolysis
> Meat tenderization
> Cosmetics
• Successful ex-vivo proof of concept in reducing the force needed for exodontia following suggested treatment
• ColG was found to be safe in-vivo
• The use of collagenase G was already approved by the FDA for the treatment of Dupuytren’s and Peyronie’s disease
Provisional patent application.