Culturing a plurality of cell types on a 3D-printed microfluidic chip
Organ-on-a-Chip platforms provide rich opportunities to observe interactions between different cell types under in vivo-like conditions. Co-culturing and the application of flow and other mechanical forces organoids, mimic 3D tissue structure and greatly enrich the data collection from such platforms.
‘Insert-chip’ is a cost-efficient, reusable, modular organ-on-a-chip platform that allows co-culturing and overcome scientific data collection and imaging challenges other in-market alternatives struggle with.
• Existing co-culturing platforms are “static” models, as they do not have the capacity to induce flow resulting in less preferred in-vivo imitating growth environments
• Access to high-resolution microscopy and instrument measurement is highly limited
• Modular time and cost-efficient solution for co-culturing a plurality of cell types while introducing flow to the system and allowing access to high-resolution microscopy and instrument measurement like trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and Microelectrode arrays (MEAs)
• Adjustable to any commercially available well plats
Proven Insert-Chip’s capacity to grow two different types of cells (HUVEC and Caco-2- cells) under different flow patterns and to provide straightforward access to various types of measurements that are crucial in physiological and drug development studies, including barrier permeability.
Rauti, R., Ess, A., Roi, B. Le, Kreinin, Y., Epshtein, M., Korin, N., & Maoz, B. M. (2021). Transforming a well into a chip: A modular 3D-printed microfluidic chip. APL Bioengineering, 5(2).…